Bike riders must dismount and walk across the road at crossings. Bikes are to be wheeled, not ridden in the area in front of the College and in the College grounds to prevent injury to the bike rider or other students.
Students are required by law to wear a helmet whenever they ride their bicycles and should use a bicycle lock and chain to secure their bikes to the bike rack located within the College grounds.
Bus transport is available for students.
Translink can provide all the relevant details for travel to and from school.
Students traveling on public trasport do so in compliance with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Code of Conduct.
Each afternoon students are to wait at the front entrance of the College until the bus has arrived and stopped safely whereupon they will be directed to depart. Students should act with care, courtesy and common sense, maintaining their own safety and that of other travellers. Students are to go straight home at the end of the College day unless in the care of their parents/guardians.