
Junior secondary


​​​Our Junior Secondary consists of Year 7, 8 and 9 where students study the Australian Curriculum (ACARA). Murrumba SSC was the first secondary site in Queensland to introduce Year 7 into the Junior Secondary model of High School. Our best practice model for supporting, nurturing and challenging our younger students is the envy of many other schools and positions our students perfectly to achieve outstanding outcomes as they move through school.

Year 7 and 8 operate in a specific Junior Schooling model with core teachers engaged in their learning for English, Humanities, Maths, and Science. They also participate in other subjects with specialist teachers. For more information about the Creative Industries JCI Brochure.pdf

Year 9 students follow the ACARA in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Humanities and HPE but also have a choice of elective subject offerings outlined below to specialise in areas of interest.

  • Industrial Technologies Design
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Fashion and Design
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Visual Art
  • Visual Art Extension
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Dance Extension
  • Drama
  • Food Studies
  • HPE Extension
  • Spanish
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Information Communication Technology
  • Media Arts

Junior Certificate of Education at 

Murrumba State Secondary College

What is it?

The JCE is a College-based Junior Secondary Schooling qualification awarded to eligible students at the end of Year 9 on completion of the Junior Secondary Phase of Learning.

The Junior Secondary Phase of Learning is a critical state of education. Through a targeted approach of tracking student progress in the College, the JCE will ensure students are prepared for a pathway that will assist them in progressing towards their preferred future. The JCE will also provide an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the success of the students completing their Junior Secondary Schooling.


At Murrumba we believe that all students can learn and achieve at a high level. The JCE supports students to achieve success and be well prepared for their Senior Phase of Learning. The JCE provides students to regularly set aspirational goals and is a means of tracking student progress. The JCE also encourages students to take greater responsibility for their learning by being engaged and well- prepared lifelong learners.​


To be awarded a JCE, students will need to achieve a 'C' standard or better in a number of core and elective subjects across the four semesters of Year 8 and Year 9.

To achieve a JCE students will need to meet set literacy and numeracy requirements and achieve 20 credit points.

¨ A minimum of 12 points from the Core Element.

¨ The remainder made up from the Elective Element.​

Year 7 students will track their JCE credits, but only credits achieved in Years 8 and 9 will go towards the JCE.

JCE Credits.png

Core Points

SubjectsMaximum Points
Humanities (History, Civics and Geography)4
Total Possible Points16
Must achieve a 'C' Standard at the end of each Semester in Year 8 and 9 to receive 1 point for that Semester.  A minimum of 12 points across Year 8 and Year 9 must be banked from core subjects to meet the core requirements of the JCE.

Elective Points

SubjectsMaximum Points
Junior Creative Industries1
Food Studies and ITD1
Access Program (full year acceptable participation)1
Total Possible Points7
Must achieve a minimum 'C' Standard at the end of each Semester in Year 8 to receive 1 point for that Semester.  Participation in the College Access Program for the year to an acceptable standard will contribute 1 point for that year.
SubjectsMaximum Points
Elective 11
Elective 21
Elective 31
Elective 41
Elective 51
Access Program (full year)1
Total Possible Points7
Must achieve a minimum 'C' Standard at the end of each Semester in Year 9 to receive 1 point for that Semester. Participation in the College Access Program for the year to an acceptable standard will contribute 1 point for that year.

Set Literacy and Numeracy component

A 'C' in English in any Semester in Year 8 or Year 9A 'C' in Maths in any Semester in Year 8 or Year 9
Reaching National Minimum Standard (NMS) in NAPLAN for Reading and/or WritingReaching National Minimum Standard (NMS) in Numeracy
Acceptable standard met in Smart Lab Literacy Diagnostic TestAcceptable Standard met in Smart Lab Numeracy Diagnostic Test

JCE Points Summary

Year LevelCoreElectivesTotalHas met Literacy and Numeracy Component
Year 88715 
Year 98715 
Total Possible Points available161430 


Students will track their progress towards their JCE as part of the Access program with their Access teacher.  Students are also encouraged to reflect on their progress in individual subjects as part of their individual subject SMART-OP Goal Setting.  Students are able to view their most recent subject results on their TrackEd Profile.  A tracking tool is located in the Junior Secondary College Student Planner to assist students in tracking their JCE.  Students who are not on track to receive their JCE may be eligible to receive additional support as part of the Academic Improvement at Murrumba (AIM) Program and through individual case management.​


​ Academy Programs

Please refer to the Academy Programs tab listed under Curriculum.

Students who began an Academy Program will continue this throughout Junior Secondary. If a student wishes to withdraw from one of these programs, a parent/caregiver is required to make an appointment with the respective Academy Coordinator/Leader of Learning who will inform them of the necessary steps required in order for their child to withdraw from the program.​​

Last reviewed 16 April 2024
Last updated 16 April 2024